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You will hear me talk a lot about classroom leadership and growth mindset this year! Here is why... 

Awesome Websites!

Switcheroo Zoo

National Geographic Kids

PBS Kids

Highlights Kids


Fun Brain


Fun Brain

Storyline Online

Free Online Books

Stow-Munroe Falls Library


Investigations Math Activities!

Build It Math Game

Attribute Block Match-Up

Button Match-Up




These are the KINDERGARTEN SIGHT WORDS that your child will be expected to read  fluently.


a, I, my, like, the, and, is, see, he, to, we, am, go, an, do

you, at, in, me, no, up, come, can, so, it


I will be teaching some additional words that will make reading, writing, and the transition to first grade easier.

All words will be assessed this year.


red, blue, yellow, purple, green, orange, brown, black, pink, white, are, will, she, has, was, of, not, his, her, little, all, be, here, said, to, this, for, on, look, that, play, went, they, come, with, what, have, into, new, want, now, down, out, there, good


Fun ways to practice sight words!!



  • Look at the word, read the word, try to memorize the letters in the word, write the word from memory, and check to see if you are right.

  • Use magnetic letters on a refrigerator or cake pan to spell words.

  • Spell words with glue and sprinkle glitter on them or use glitter pens.

  • Cut out letters from a newspaper or magazine to spell the words.

  • Make flash cards – write words on index cards and cut the letters apart to spell.

  • Spell the words in the car.

  • Use scrapbook foam letters as a fun tool to study with.

  • Write the words in bubble letters or another fun way.

  • Use ABC Cookie Cutters and play-dough to cut out letters to spell words

  • Paint the words

  • Use shaving cream to write the words.

  • Write words in sand.

  • Use letter beads from a craft store to spell your words (You could even put them on a string, or a screw, which is a great motor skill!)

  • Put letters on Legos, rocks, popsicle sticks, or bottle caps, and put them together to spell your words.

  • Got a Magna Doodle? Write your words on it!

  • Use Scrabble tiles (add up the points for each word to practice math skills)

Mrs. Moffitt's Kindergarten Class

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